How To Hide Pages That You Have Liked On Facebook

There are some moments when you don't want to let your friends or family members know that you have liked a page on facebook. Maximum number of time people want to hide porn pages that they might afraid of anyone can see it. I am sure for boys. So do you want to learn how to hide pages that you have liked without letting your friends or family members know. So lets start today's tutorial.

Steps To Hide Facebook Likes From Timeline Profile

1. Go to your facebook Timeline , hover on More button then click on Likes.

Facebook Timeline

2. Click the Edit (pencil) icon on the upper right hand of the page. You can find it just beside the “Add Likes Button”.

Edit Privacy Option

3. A pop up box will appear. Now Select which type of pages you want to hide by selecting Only Me option on the right.

Facebook Likes Privacy Popup

So this is the three step process to hide facebook pages that you have liked. Stay tuned for more stuff. Keep Sharing. :)


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